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This page describes all the features of the BackUp screen and how to use them.
From this screen, the user can manage catalog backups.

Mapping feature: for now, the screen helps to associate a Catalog, considered as the source, to and another Catalog, considered the backup target. This help checking the coverage of backup for devices, and compared source and backup target size, number of files and date updated.

Katalog does not have functions to automatically copy files yet.
Many simple to advanced applications are available, such as KBackUp or LuckyBackup

Catalogs mapping and comparison

To help listing and comparing source directories and their backup, Katalog can help mapping catalogs.

This assume that the user creates manually

Create a Mapping

Example & Catalogs

Select source

Select target

Name and create

Compare source and backup targer

Delete a Mapping

Select the entire line by clicking on the row number (left of the table),
And click the button "Delete selected".


Some ideas of developments for this screen:

  • Catalog operations from this screen (update, search differences, etc.)
  • Basic file copying
  • For more, see the backlog of BackUp development.